Semester 2: Week 2 – Risks

Hi everyone 🙂

In the last week, which was the first week after our break, we had our first sprint issue.

Due to organisation problems and duties with higher prioritization we decided to do a two-week-sprint.

Besides that, we created a table that displays the time, we used for the creation of each of our use cases.

This can be seen here.

Use Case time chart

Furthermore we have thought about the risks concerning our project and listed these.

You can see these here:


For the original file please click right here.

Additionally we are planning on adjusting our use case time table. Stay tuned for that.Best regards,


5 thoughts on “Semester 2: Week 2 – Risks

  1. Hey guys,

    regarding your use cases i’ve noticed that you have a lot of task that are not assigned to a use case. However i think some of them could be a separate UC like win/loss and dicing and some belong to already existing (trading). Apart from that it is really nice

    Kind regards,


    1. Hey Philipp,

      thank you for your comment.
      We will take a look at our Use Cases again and maybe split them up for a better overview. Stay tuned for updates.

      Best regards,


  2. Hey,

    your blogpost seems to be alright and I’m happy to see your tables.
    It just would be nice to see your use cases in a picture instead of clicking on the link.

    Keep on going,


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